Urgent help

We have same day appointments available most of the time, if you want same day help then let us know, even if our online diary is full we can usually find a slot for you to be seen on the day. 

Call us on 04 9097609



If it’s a medical emergency dial 111 to call an ambulance, report to Accident and Urgent Medical or Accident and Emergency at Wellington Hospital

If you hurt yourself out of hours but you can identify the cause and are able to manage it  (i.e. a sprain or strain while playing sport) then you should follow the RICEM (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Movement) regime, immediately after and for up to 3 days following the injury. Book into see us as soon as you can. 


If in doubt out of hours - don’t forget you can call healthline on 0800 611 116 for advice 24 hours a day.